Erin + Dave's Engagement Session in Door County

Erin was totally calm and relaxed as she got her hair and make up done at our studio before her engagement session. She joked about how she had gone shopping for new outfits and tried to get her fiancé, Dave, to try a new look. She said they compromised and went with his signature blues and grays look :-) Erin and Dave had just gotten the keys to their new house the week before their engagement session, and Erin shared how their home makeover projects have been going so far, while Claudia styled Erin to the nine’s. Erin is a hairstylist herself, so she placed a lot of trust in Claudia’s hands!

Erin and Dave knew that they wanted to do a portion of their engagement session at Cave Point County Park in Door County. They had been there once before and remembered how beautiful it was. As we rolled into the parking lot, there was a gray cloud looming over us, threatening rain. I was thankful that my intuition told me to throw my clear umbrellas into the car in case Erin and Dave needed them if it rained. And boy, did it rain. We had snapped three pictures before it started raining buckets and we huddled under the umbrellas under some tree cover. When we realize the rain was not going to let up, we decided to head to our second location and officially start their session there.

Dave had been to The Ridges Sanctuary in Bailey’s Harbor before, so we trusted his suggestion to take some photos there. What a great suggestion it was! The waves rolled onto the sandy beach, long grass waved in the wind with dramatic cloud cover forming the perfect backdrop. One hundred yards from that spot, A beautiful boardwalk trail meandered through the woods. The sun began to poke through the clouds, giving way to the most amazing golden light. Erin and Dave laughed easily with one another, and they fed off each other‘s energy. They enjoy being silly together, going on adventures, and just being by each other’s side. After a quick frolic in Lake Michigan, we packed up and went back to Cave Point, crossing our fingers that we would have better weather this time.

Erin and Dave were so excited to see sunshine when we got to Cave Point. A slow mist was rolling off the water, and the waves of Lake Michigan thundered against the rocky cliffs. They were definitely up for a little bit of risk, stepping out onto a peninsula that had potential for them to get splashed. My main concern is my couples safety, so we made sure that it was a safe spot and that they would only get a little wet rather than being swept into the lake. They stayed safe and dry in all of the beauty around them at Cave Point. 

Erin and Dave are getting married this fall at the beautiful Thornberry Creek, and they are so excited for that next chapter in their lives. Enjoy the last few months of being engaged, Erin and Dave, and we will see you on your wedding day!

Much love and appreciation,
